Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Roller Coaster Ride

I'm glad last week was already over. It was a long and slow week full of dramas and emotions. So much had happened during the past week. Abel started her chemotherapy last Monday, the 4th. She experienced all the grimness of chemotherapy. She was literally knocked down but fortunately not out. Nen had her problems of her own too and I couldn't do much to help. It was so frustrating for me. I had another episode of hypertension last Thursday and my blood pressure sky rocketed up to the heavens. It's a good thing I didn't had stroke but I already experienced numbness of my arms and legs.

Indeed life as they say, is like a roller coaster ride. It is so mysterious you'll never know what lies on the horizon, what is stored for tomorrow. I sure am glad that I was able to be of service to my family and to other people. I am glad I was able to touch other people's lives and made them happy. At least I will be remembered in a pleasant way.

Let us all continue to hope, have faith and most of all love.


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